From Lorraine Mertz - "I saw your heart throb" - July 17, 1941
L. Mertz
Sheboygan, Wis.
Mr. Louis Winsauer
Co. B. 45th Med. Bn.
3rd Armored Div.
Camp Polk, La.
Dear Louis,
Joe Louis and Max Schmeling before their second fight in 1938
I have a day off today so I thought I might as well waste my time by writing you a letter. I got your card last week and nearly fainted at the sight of it. At first I thought you had completely forgotten about me and then I was afraid that you might have gotten into a fight with someone who maybe got the best of you. That’s hardly possible though isn’t it Louis. I hear Joe Louis might be drafted too—maybe you two could get together sometime. I’d be willing to come down and pick up the pieces. Ahem.
Well tell me, how do you really like it down there. Your in the medical corp aren’t you. I take it that that “Med. Bu.” Stands for something like that but I don’t know—maybe I’m all wet.
What do you do for passing time besides drinking I mean?
I haven’t been having very much excitement lately. About all I ever do is go to shows. Of course I work every night until 10 o’clock. So when I have my days off I really like to do something. I went roller skating one night with the kids from club out at Lake View at the roller rink. Had a pretty nice time—it was something different once anyhow. I’ve played tennis twice so far and I’m going to play today too. I simply must get some kind of exercise or I’ll get as big as a house or horse or something.
Last week the carnival was here. I went Wed. And Sat nite after work. I went on a couple tame rides and gambled a bit but that was all. They had plenty hot side shows though. Of course I wouldn’t go in them though. I saw your heart throb there with a bunch of girls. I saw her at Chrystal Lake the “4th” too. She looks awful lonesome too but then aren’t you making all the girls back here miserable by being so far away.
Next week Tues. I think I’m going to have my adenoids out that is if I can get the doctor to do it on that day. Now wouldn’t that be nice if you were a doctor now—you could take them out and I believe I would enjoy it. Well maybe they will grow back again by the time your a doctor eh?
Do you ever hear from Sammy. Fred Mankopf is gone too now isn’t he. I never see anyone from the Dawn Club anymore. Oh I saw them at Lauer’s the 4th—that is Harold Bogie & Freddy. I have them on the live once in a while evenings when they call up all their gal friends. One just about hangs up and someone else calls.
The Waelderhaus in Kohler, Wisconsin
Those pictures we took that Wed. Got real nice. I had a few made for myself too. Last Wed. I was bycycle riding and rode out to Kohler and went through the Demonstration House and through the Wallderhaus. I saw your mother there doing Red Cross work—she looked so nice in that uniform—I think your mother is very nice looking anyhow. I heard her say something about “my boy” as I was walking through course I don’t know if she meant you or your brother but anyhow. I stopped in the drug store of course too. It didn’t take long and Mr. Henney had to come out with a wise crack again. He said “Well I didn’t think you would come out here for the rest of the summer”: I didn’t know what he meant at all and I asked him why and he said “Well the man down on Orchard Rd. Isn’t here any more.” Meaning you I took it. Oh he always says something to embarrass me. He used to razz me plenty about you but I guess you never realized that. When you walked in the door of that drug store I used to get nervous already because I was always afraid he or Gordon would make cracks. After while it really irritated me because I never was seeing much of you or anything but I guess they just had to tease me about something.
Gee I haven’t heard from Earl for a long time. He wrote the first week after he left—he didn’t wait a month—of course I realize you had a lot of others to write to first so I’ll forgive you. I guess if I want to find out anything about you all I have to do is call up J.J. Wouldn’t she like that. I think she’s very nice though and darn cute too. For some reason or other she doesn’t recognize me anymore. Maybe she just forgot me huh? I heard from two people now that she has quite a case on you. You really get around. What have you got that gets em?
Billy still isn't working and oh is he the pest around here—gee he just about drives me batty—he is Hitler the 2nd.
Well I guess that’s about all I know now so I’ll close hoping this letter finds you health happy & wise and don’t take any of the sarcasm seriously—I know you can take it though—I imagine you can still dish it out too. Well don’t forget to write now.
Bye now,