"Latrine rumor has it" - April 10, 1943

Sgt. L.A. Winsauer, 36212741
Div. Hq. Co., APO 253,
Indiantown Gap M.R.

Miss Jean Johnson
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Saturday nite


Dearest darling,

Hi again hon' here it is another week shot and still no news from OCS. I'm beginning to get a little worried 'cause latrine rumor has it that the old 3rd Armored is starting to get "hot" again — and that'd be a little rugged. 'Course, as I say, its only a latrine rumor so far, and I'm hoping it goes the way of 99% of those rumors do, 'cause I've got to get my orders for school before the division pulls out or else — !

Tonight Wells and I (Wells is one of the boys in the detachment — he's from Kentucky) went over to the show right after chow and saw "The Major and The Minor." It was O.K. , but not as good as I thought it would be. After the show we stopped over at the P.X. for a couple of beers then came on over here to the dispensary. I chased the boys out of my room a few minutes ago and they're all out front listening to the Hit Parade now.

I got a letter from Hank this week — on Wednesday I think it was, and boy it was interesting as all hell. He's right up in there where things are really happening — 'tells about some of the bombings, and said he went to Tripoli on a three day pass but that the place was pretty well blown up. He said he'd gotten your letters and enjoyed them — but naturally. 'Told me what a lucky guy I was to have a gal like you — as if I didn't know. Getting his letter was quite a coincidence cause just the day before I had finally gotten on the beam and written one to him again.

Also got a letter from Mother this week. She said she was a little startled at first when she got my letter telling her we were going to be married when I finished OCS, but that if we'd made up our minds neither she nor Dad would stand in our way. She said quote "Jean's a fine girl and we both like her and feel you'll have the right wife — ", etc. Boy Darling they don't know the half of it. Mother went on to say we'd probably have some tough times, and that she was worried about whether I'd get back to school — but I'll set her right on that in a hurry. And those "tough" times don't bother me in the least — not if we can be together. Darling I don't see how in hell I'm goint to be able to wait three months. Right now that seems like a long, long time.

They're playing "Black Magic" on the Hit Parade now. For my money that should have been no. 1 — how do you like it?

You asked how I've been doing in Poker. Well up to last night I've been doing alright, 'cause I've stayed out of the games, but last night when I went back to the barracks to go to bed there was a game in my room. Thought I'd sit in for just a couple of hands and then kick the boys out. But I started in losing and just kept going down for about a dozen hands. Had to play for nearly two hours before I was out of the red, and finally broke up the game a little over two dollars to the good. This month I only drew $44.00 because they took out the bonds and didn't add the Staff pay. But the 1st of next month I'll draw pretty close to $100.00. Hope by that time I'm at school.

Darling I miss you more than you'll ever know, and the old ache's getting worse and worse by the hour. I've just gotta see you — and soon. Goodnight for now sweet, I love you
